National hammer thrower Jackie Wong Siew Cheer just has to spend more days at the hospital in Sibu after his fifth test for coronavirus (COVID-19) returned positive – dashing his hopes of a discharge.
Jackie, who hails from Sarikei, has spent three weeks at the hospital and has been quarantined for the virus. He is believed to have contracted the virus when he returned home to visit his father Andrew COVID-19.
For Jackie, there was certainly no cheer, who was expecting to be discharged from the hospital, when the fifth test returned positive – which means spending more time in isolation in the hospital.
“I feel okay…there is no cough and no sore throat. I feel good. However, I am perplexed when the fifth test returned positive,” said Jackie, who is the first national athlete to be tested positive for COVID-19.
A few days earlier 107 athletes, coaches, and National Sports Council (NSC) officials who were quarantined and underwent health checks were given a clean bill of health.
NSC director-general Datuk Ahmad Shapawi Ismail said the 107 said the figures include those who returned home after competing in tournaments and those who were training overseas and 21 others who were placed under home quarantine.
Jackie won the silver medal at the 30th edition of the SEA Games in the Philippines in December last year.