The initial indoor 4x400m mixed relay world record standard and designated running order have been confirmed following the event’s inclusion in the rule book as an official discipline.Following the decision of the World Athletics Council in August 2023 to introduce the 4x400m mixed relay at the World Athletics Indoor Championships, starting in 2026, further steps have been taken to ensure the event’s recognition and the processing of results.Specifically, the event needed to be coded into the World Athletics Competition and Technical Rules and several amendments were required, including updates to the World Athletics Series Regulations, to establish it as an official discipline and enable results to be processed for statistical purposes.Therefore, the World Athletics Council has decided the following:1. The initial world record for the indoor 4x400m mixed relay shall be established at 3:12.44 or better. World records in the discipline will be recognised as of 1 March 2025.2. The designated running order for 4x400m mixed relays is man – woman – man – woman (M/W/M/W).3. Amendments to the Competition and Technical Rules have been approved to incorporate the 4x400m mixed relays.These decisions are to ensure the event’s official recognition and its integration into future championships.
World Athletics