The Sabah Tennis Association (STA) and the Sabah Education Department have joined hands to tap young tennis talent to further promote the sport in the state.
STA President Johnson Koh is excited with the education department’s approval for joint collaboration to further develop tennis with the recent appointment of two assistant directors in the education department – one for the sports division and one for the students’ development sector.
The two are Mr. Jumar Kamsari and Mr. Suppary Jumin.
With this in mind, Johnson met up with the Jumar and Suppary to discuss the collaboration that will further develop the sport in Sabah.
“This collaboration will enable STA to have more district and state-level tennis tournaments. It was agreed a meeting of all the technical officers in charge of tennis and district education officers will be called soon for more input and feedback.”
“This will enable the collaboration to be more successful, effective and efficient to achieve our objective…to scout tennis talent at schools,” said Johnson, adding that it will also be “cost-effective” in terms of organizing tournaments.