Athletes tested positive were two from athletics, 2 from wheelchair tennis, 2 from wheelchair basketball, a para tenpin bowling athlete and an official from boccia.
These individuals have been isolated and are awaiting further action from the Health Ministry.
In a press statement, Dato’ Shapawi said athletes that may have possible close contact with the positive cases have to be isolated and will undergo a swab test on the 4th day.
Should the result turn negative but with symptoms, they will have to undergo for 10 days of quarantine period and another test will be made on the 9th day to ensure they are infection free.
A total of 632 athletes and officials have undergone the Covid-19 testing upon checking in at the training centre after the New Year break.
On January 2, an officer from the badminton team has been tested positive ahead of BWF Asian Tour in Thailand. The officer has undergone self-quarantine at home until further instruction from the Ministry of Health.
With positive cases reported and after discussing with the Youth and Sports Minister, Dato’ Sri Reezal Merican Naina Merican, the NSC based training camps will continue on a strict “quarantine-based approach” for a period of two weeks on all training centres and will be reviewed at the end of the period.
Sanitisation will be done at each training centre and accommodation once a week.
Dato’ Sapawi stressed NSC are committed to ensuring national athletes are in the best of health and condition to undergo sports training. – Oleh Siti Zafirah Kamal