World Athletics is today launching a six-week global campaign, Fitter With Friends, to assist runners around the world to stay motivated and continue their health routines as the world emerges from the Coronavirus pandemic. 

Research conducted by across 139 countries in the early stages of lockdown found that 88 percent of people who normally exercised once or twice a week had increased their exercise routine. Of more than 12,000 people surveyed, those who went for a run once or twice a week more than doubled their efforts (117% on average).

More recent research has confirmed this trend to a greater focus on health and fitness within our communities.

In line with the vision of World Athletics’ new strategic plan “to use the power and accessibility of athletics and our athletes to create a healthier and fitter world”, we want to encourage those who have established a better exercise routine during the pandemic to remain motivated as they return to a more normal life, and to engage their friends who, like us, they have missed spending time with during lockdown.

As many parts of the world are entering the post pandemic phase, people now have a chance to combine their new fitness routines and getting together with their friends (at a social distance).

To help everyone keep moving, World Athletics will offer an exclusive opportunity to tap into the inspiration and knowledge of six Olympic, world and continental champions from six continents.

Each week, a different athlete will set a fun fitness challenge to complete, by video, and offer workouts and wisdom to help everyone complete the challenge and improve their fitness.

To take part simply sign up for the challenge on World Athletics’ website for exclusive access to these challenges. From 25 June to the end of July, six of the world’s best athletes invite you and a friend to take the weekly challenge to get “Fitter with Friends”.

The programme is free and offers rewards to inspire and motivate participants to keep active.

Six weeks, six challenges, six athletes – it’s that simple.

World Athletics

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