World Athletics is seeking to appoint independent members to its Nominations Panel, Integrity Unit Board Appointments Panel and Executive Board Appointments Panel, while the Nationality Review Panel (NRP) is looking to appoint three members.
The Nominations Panel, Integrity Unit Board Appointments Panel and Executive Board Appointments Panel oversee the recruitment and appointment processes to various World Athletics bodies and the role of the independent members on these bodies is central to ensuring each panel’s processes are conducted in an open, fair and transparent manner.
World Athletics is seeking to appoint four independent members to the Nominations Panel, one independent member to the Integrity Unit Board Appointments Panel and one independent member to the Executive Board Appointments Panel.
The appointment process of these independent members is managed and led by the Chief Executive Officer, or their nominee, who, after assessment, will make a recommendation for appointment to these positions to the World Athletics Council in August 2023. The term of office is approximately four years, until 2027.
The position descriptions for each panel can be found in the World Athletics Library and information on the work of these panels can be found here on the World Athletics website.
The Nationality Review Panel operates under the Transfer of Allegiance Regulations. The NRP is established by and has delegated authority from the Council to consider and decide applications from Member Federations to determine either an athlete’s eligibility or to transfer an athlete’s allegiance.
The NRP consists of a pool of nine members, three members of which will end their mandate on 1 August 2023. To ensure the Panel continues to have the necessary skills and expertise, as well as gender and geographical diversity, World Athletics is seeking applications for three positions on the NRP for appointment by the World Athletics Council in August 2023. The three successful applicants will be appointed for a period of four years, commencing 15 August 2023.
In July 2022 Council appointed four new members to the pool. The terms of office for the two Council members (one of whom is the Chairperson) on the NRP will also expire in August 2023 (at the end of their current Council mandate). These two Council member positions on the NRP will be appointed by the Council following the 54th World Athletics Congress.
The position description and application details can be found in the World Athletics Library.
The closing date for applications for all four panels is 16 July 2023 at 23:59 CEST.
World Athletics